SEPF Guest Artist The Concert Truck

The Concert Truck

The Concert Truck

The Concert Truck began with a bold and rebellious vision: to take quality, live classical performances to unexpected places. Impassioned by their love for classical music and belief in its emotional power, pianists Nick Luby and Susan Zhang converted a 16-foot box truck into a fully functioning mobile concert hall, complete with lights, sound system, and piano. Since then, The Concert Truck has performed across the country in city streets, music and arts festivals, schools, neighborhoods, parks…anywhere you can think to park a truck. The Concert Truck's mission is to deliver classical music to people from all walks of life and bring them together through a meaningful shared experience of great art.

In its early stages The Concert Truck received First Prize of the Creativity in Music Award from SPARK: Carolina's Music Leadership Laboratory, and a South Carolina Arts Commission grant. Since then it has been featured on Voice of America — VOA, WYPR Maryland, the Baltimore Sun, Minnesota Public Radio, and many local TV news stations and online news syndicates. The Concert Truck also received the 2018 Warnock Foundation Social Innovation Fellowship and an award for Most Original Idea in Social Enterprise in the 2018 Johns Hopkins University Business Plan Competition. Recent engagements include a residency with the prestigious Four Seasons Chamber Music Festival in Greenville, NC public schools and the Piano X Initiative at the 2019 Southeastern Piano Festival.

Featuring NICK LUBY and the Southeastern Piano Festival Associates

Nick Luby

Monday, June 15, 2021
Columbia Museum of Art Boyd Plaza

Presented in collaboration with the Columbia Museum of Arts

Piano X Project

Piano X

Wednesday, June 17, 2021
Columbia Museum of Art

Part music recital, part literary event, part theater, this show features unique and varied talents of the SEPF participants under the leadership of the Piano X team: The Concert Truck co-founders Nick Luby and Susan Zhang, and Sean Chen